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Uzbekistan visa and visa support

Tourist Visas to Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan VisaIn order to enter Uzbekistan every visitor from every country (except for some CIS countries) must have a valid visa issued by an Uzbekistan Embassy or General Consulate abroad (see address section). Nationals of the countries where Uzbekistan is not represented by any of its Diplomatic or Consulate Missions can apply for Uzbek visa at the nearest Uzbekistan Embassy or General Consulate. Similarly, for their convenience, the nationals of the countries in which Uzbekistan diplomatic representations are available can still obtain Uzbek visa at the Uzbekistan Embassy or General Consulate located in the country other than the country of their citizenship.

Our Company will handle visa processing for our clients, both individuals and groups, provided the due documents are presented to us in a timely and conscientious way.
Tourist visas can be obtained only upon presenting an Invitation Letter, which our company issues after receiving approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The procedure itself is as follows:

1. Prior to arrival into the territory of Uzbekistan any tourist should provide our company with the following data and details

A. Copy of the passport with:

  • Personal data (full name, sex, and citizenship)
  • Passport details (passport number, date of issue, expiry date)
  • Date and place of birth
The copy can be faxed or e-mailed to our address

B. Reference from tourist's working place or place of studies made on the official letterhead properly signed and sealed/stamped, confirming tourist's occupation:
  • Official name of the company/enterprise (educational establishment for students),
  • Its location (country, city)
  • Tourist's position in this company
The Reference can be faxed or e-mailed to our address

Please note that visa issue regulations are simplified for a number of countries as from February 2003. Nationals of these countries receive preferential treatment in terms of visa issue.

Thus no reference from tourist’s working place /place of studies is required for citizens of such countries as Austria, Belgium, UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Japan, Latvia. Nationals of these countries should simply provide our company (by e-mail) with details on their occupation

Exception is made for the citizens of these states who were born in a country not listed above. In such cases the reference from the working place/place of studies is obligatory.

C. Period of stay in Uzbekistan

D. Preferable place of visa application (location of an Uzbek Embassy or General Consulate)

2. On receiving the abovementioned details, our company will make the arrangements with Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with regulations in force. After duly processing the package of documents Ministry of Foreign Affairs sends a telex directly to the Uzbek Embassy or General Consulate stated in the application documents and advises our company on the telex number.

Please note that it takes 5 working days to process visa application at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This period is shortened to 3 days for the nationals of the countries with preferential treatment.

In special cases an urgent visa can be obtained. In case of urgent visa issue the processing of visa application documents is assumed to be 3 working days instead of 5 working days and affects visa fee.

The cost of urgent visa is 1.5 times higher than that of an ordinary one (see sector Consulate Fees)

3. Our company in its turn issues and provides the tourist with Invitation Letter, featuring the above mentioned telex number. The tourist applies for entry visa presenting this Invitation Letter together with his passport and photos to the Uzbekistan Embassy or General Consulate. It may take from 1 to 3 days to obtain a visa depending on the Uzbekistan Embassy or General Consulate location. .Please note that Embassies and General Consulates reserve the right to charge additional fee for visa registration in addition to the visa cost.

4. Uzbek visa can be issued on arrival in Tashkent International Airport for the nationals of the countries where Uzbekistan Embassy or General Consulate is not available and visa issue by Uzbekistan diplomatic presentations in other countries is not possible due to certain reasons. For example, a national of above countries cannot apply for visa in a country en route to Uzbekistan due to lack of time, which is testified by the data indicated in the air ticket. In such case he can obtain visa upon arrival to Tashkent International Airport after providing our company with the due data and details as described above. In addition to this he should provide the copy of the air ticket or air ticket reservation. On receiving the above data and details in due time our company will make all the arrangements in order to ensure the tourist can get a visa from the Consulate service official at Tashkent Airport.


Nationals of the countries with preferential treatment can apply for Uzbek visa directly to the Uzbekistan Embassy or General Consulate abroad. In this case no Invitation Letter is prepared on the part of our company. Instead the applicant fills in the due documents provided by the Uzbekistan diplomatic representation in question.


Consulate Fees for Uzbekistan Visa

Single entry:
For Individuals
Up to 7 days US$ 40 per person
Up to 15 days US$ 50 per person
Up to 30 days US$ 60 per person

For groups (10 persons and more)
Up to 15 days US$ 15 per person
Up to 30 days US$ 25 per person

Additional entries(maximum 4 entries): US$ 10 per entry

The maximum duration of a tourist visa is 30 days

In case of additional entries there should be indication of the countries to be visited under this visa.

Uzbekistan Transit Visas

In case of a transit via Uzbekistan, while traveling to a third country, all visitors must have transit visas issued in advance by an Uzbekistan Embassy or General Consulate abroad. Transit visas are issued for a period of up to 72 hours and cost $20 for 24 hours, $25 for 48 hours or $30 for 72 hours. Transit visa is issued against third country visa and the copy of air ticket/air ticket reservation to the third country. No Invitation Letter is needed to obtain Transit visa.

Visa Extensions

A tourist visa can be extended in Uzbekistan. To extend a visa, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs a further letter of support from our company. Extension fees are $15 for up to 24 hours, $20 for up to 48 hours, $30 for up to 7 days, $40 for up to 15 days, $50 for up to 30 days.

Expired Visa Penalties

For staying in Uzbekistan with an expired visa
the following penalties are applicable:
Up to 3 days US$ 20
From 3 to 10 days US$ 40
From 10 to 30 days US$ 60

Special Notes

According to an Agreement between the Governments of Uzbekistan and the US, the visa fee for US citizens traveling to Uzbekistan is US$ 100 irrespective of the duration in Uzbekistan.

According to an Agreement between the Governments of Uzbekistan and Japan, a visa for Japanese citizens is free of charge.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan reserves the right to refuse issue of Uzbek visa to an applicant without explaining the reasons.

Related Links: Uzbekistan Tours | Uzbekistan Travel | Uzbekistan Hotels

Uzbekistan Visa Application Form

Personal Information
Previous Surname (if changed):
First Name:
Previous First Name (if changed):
Other Names:
Previous Other Names (if changed):
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):
Place of Birth (city or province):
Country of Birth:
Previous Citizenship:
Passport Type:
Passport Number:
Date of Issue (dd/mm/yyyy):
Issued By:
Expiration Date (dd/mm/yyyy):
Marital Status:
Spouse's Surname, First and Other Names:
Travel Information
Period of Visit, from (dd/mm/yyyy):
to (dd/mm/yyyy):
Number of Entries:
Duration of Stay (days, for each entry):
Duration of Visa Procedure (effects in visa fee):
Place of Visa Issuance (embassy or consulate in):
Purpose of Visit (in detail):
Inviting Party (inviting organization or person, phone):
Additional Information
Address in Uzbekistan (address while in Uzbekistan, phone):
Previous Visits to Uzbekistan (date, purpose and inviting party):
Accompanied Persons (persons travelling together and inserted into applicant's passport):
Occupation (type of business):
Place of Work (Study) and Position (full name of organization and applicant's position):
Work (Study) Address and Phone (coutry, city, street, house No., phone and email):
Home Address and Phone (country, city, street, house No., phone):
Antispam image:  

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